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Showing posts with the label Space

Food Boundaries

We all know about donuts - rings of bread, usually covered with different icings, or mabye even sprinkles. The donut to a scientist is ‘the edge’ of human food, and no food could be more ansintoformosed - or weirder in the common tongue. New-to-science Bevel Astronu has explained to many universities and museums in England that there could be other foods out there - infinite combinations and flavours. And then, 3 years after telling the cleverest minds that a simple  donut was not the end of foods, he decided to start his experiments. He started 20 years ago and has finally finished his massive discovery. It is all written down on various sheets of paper and in complicated language, but our team at Toby News have manage to simmer it down to just three quarters of an article. “We live a new age - one of seven boundaries of the seven foodstuffs of  the seven planets revolving around eating. I call these limits the Phosferacational Layers, one that humanity has not yet conqu

Meet NASA’s New Robot Roller

Many companies like SpaceX have tried (but failed) to send rovers and robots to Mars, also known as the Red Planet. But now NASA is going to move forward with their new Mars rover. Just like Solar Orbiter, Perseverance promises to ‘touch the Red Planet’, with a whole heap of hi-tech technology on board. The mission takes the art of space travel further as the whole point of the mission is to see whether life existed on Mars, or even see if microbial life exists NOW. It does this by searching for habitable conditions or dips in ground level where water could have thrived millions of years ago. Perseverance introduces a fast moving, hi-tech drill that can bore into the ground. It sends a message to the ‘brain’, which sends ANOTHER message to the arm, which picks the sample up and stores it in a drawer which will later be examined back on a Earth. Bigger samples or samples that share too heave will be left behind a special rock which future humans will pick up on a future mission. There a

Ancient Aliens: The Desert Code

Ancient civilisations around the globe have made many petroglyphs (huge drawing on the ground). But what do they all mean? Did aliens come down to ancient peoples and tell them to create them? As many mainstream archaeologists continue to say they just made them, no reason, Toby Parry-Russell investigates. Most petroglyphs and other huge drawings of its type are carved into usually the desert floor. The most-used technique is to carefully rub away the the darker sand to reveal the lighter sand underneath. When this is repeated in various shapes, it can form amazing patterns and picture most people will never be able to do even in their wildest dreams.  Most petroglyphs show images of the so-called ‘gods’. Usually as figures, the ‘gods’ look like humans except with strange features, like strange hair, small heads, strange scaly skin or something else. For example, among the Nasca lines of Peru - an array of strange petroglyphs, there stands two figures. The first one’s name translates t

What Would Sci-Fi Look Like In Real Life?

Film-makers have created a lot of cool films over the years, some with cool graphic effects or creepy alien invasions. But how would they work if they WERE real life? Read this article to raise your brain levels up and outsmart your parents... The classic Star Wars character C3P0 is not much different to any other humanoid robot. Instead of bones, robots have lots of moveable segments attached to one another. Each segment is fitted together with special metal ‘joints’, which can spin, turn, twist and much more when you program them to do so. All these special parts make the robot really flexible. In the American film Back To The Future, a professor invents a time-travelling car powered by plutonium. Based on this, the british chemist and inventor Professor Flux, PhD invented a time-travel machine. Powered by Ghlucoshianian Acid, a substance only found on Saturn, this incredible invention had to have cleaning machines to concentrate the acid, because it would horrible mutate humans if i

Teotihuacan: Just A Normal Aztec City... Or Not!

The ancient aztec city of Teotihuacan (say tee-otto-hoo-i-can) has puzzled more experts than the Great Pyramids Of Giza have! The pyramid complex  consists of quite a few building and temples. At the front of the city, The Temple Of The Sun sits proudly overlooking the rest. A few more pyramid-like buildings follow, all leading to what is now known as the Avenue Of The Dead. This is quite a few miles long, but all of the buildings are the same, except one. Temple of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl is the third-largest pyramid in the whole site. Also on the avenue is the Great Pyramid Of  Cholua and The Pyramid Of The Moon. Interestingly, a lake of liquid Mercury was discovered in an excavated tunnel beneath the Feathered Serpent Pyramid. There has been various lakes of other metals in other areas of the Mayan empire, but never Mesoamerica. Even more interestingly, Mercury is a superconductor. Although it is extremely dangerous to human beings, scientists have performed experiments w

Sun Encounters

Unless you’re slapping on sunscreen on a hot day, you probably don’t think much about the sun. Every eight minutes, light travels from our sun to the Earth. This would mean if the star magically disappeared, it would take 8 minutes for us to notice. Most of us take the sun forgranted. If the sun were a human being (not God, christian readers), scientists calculate it would take one million years to do one days work as the sun. The date of discovery is unknown, but they say that it was found by our ancient ncestors. The size is 109.2 times larger than our earth, but don’t think that’s big. The mass is 1,989,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg! The Sun is a ball of superheated material. A diagram of the star would be far too complicated, so we’ve decided to give you a list of features. The magnetic field constantly moves and twists, shooting out loops of gas from the surface. This and its immense gravity pull the solar system together.The corona (not the virus) is the sun’s outer laye

Ice Aliens: Discover The Mysteries Of Titan

Scients studying Saturn’s icy moon, Titan, have spotted traces of life millions of years ago. These would have lived under the huge sheets of ice over the sea. In fact, life could still exist on the cold moon, but it’s too far for our probes to go to. In fact, to do this, the probe would have to have a portable drill, scanners and sensors, some sort of a camera that could see through thick ice, and a function where the bot could swim. All of this would cost more than billions, and there would have to be millions of people working day and night. Quite frankly, no-one would be able to code such delicate modes in a matter of time. In the Pixar film WALL-E, everyone has evacuated because there is too much rubbish to clean up. The lonely robot WALL-E is left alone to put it into cubes and stack them in a pile. We would have to make a machine similar to WALL-E, but except with the ice. So how do we know what they look like? Scientists and film-makers have simulated lots over the years, but n

Fears Of Black Hole

Fears of a distant black hole sucking up our galaxy are rising fast after scientist Ronald Park sent out his prediction into the future. Ronald said that about 300,000 years from now the Milky Way would have moved so close to the Roxet Galaxy, currently 230,000 light years away from us, that we would be in a danger zone of getting sucked in to the huge and destructive black hole positioned in the outer edge. If this will happen, the world and everything we can see would be spaghettified, a process where everything gets stretched far apart. After about 12 minutes of this, the human race would be gone for all eternity, unless of course if we had found another home. The reason Ron thought this is because he had been studying the Roxet Galaxy for over 30 years now, and he suddenly spotted a vast change in its speed. One night, Ronald thought to himself, ‘was I just seeing things?  The Roxet Galaxy hasn’t changed speed for 12,000,000 years!’, and this was why his theory could have been tru

All About Black Holes

Black holes are the remains of giant stars that went supernova. Stars generate heat and light because their strong gravity smashes millions of particles together in the core. They can keep doing this for millions and millions of years, but eventually, the star runs out of particles to smash together. What happens next depends on how big the star is. An average size star (such as our sun) will turn into a red giant, then it will shed its outer layers into space and what’s left will slowly cool until it becomes a brown dwarf. But the biggest stars will become a red supergiant star. Then, instead of just fading away, a huge explosion occurs (known as a supernova). Supernovas are so bright they can be seen from many light years away.    The core of the star has so much gravity it collapses in on itself, forming a mini black hole which quickly eats away the rest of the star, making it bigger. Black holes have so much mass concentrated in a relatively small space that their gravity is immens

WWII: Let's Learn About The Most Devastating War Of All Time

To celebrate 75 years since World War Two ended, we’ve got a special article for you... this one! So don’t go just yet, this won’t be boring! World War 2 was a battle between two groups of countries – the “Allies” and the “Axis“. The major Allied Powers were Britain, France, Russia, China and the United States. The major Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. The terrible Adolf Hitler lead the Axis, but don’t think he was nice. Hitler and his army marched across the whole world, sparking many battles in different places. At one point in the war, the Nazis (Hitlers army) were said to had been building ‘Die Glocke’, or ‘The Bell’. Nazi documantary writers said that The Bell was some sort of ‘time-travel machine’, but nobody really knows the truth. Die Glocke, says authors, was inspired by alien technology. The were said to have come down to earth in the war, and told the chief scientist about their machines. Strangely, he disappeared at the end of WWII. Many believe he went through a

Atlantis: Could The Hidden City Have Even More Mysteries?

Everyone nowadays says that the lost city of Atlantis is found, or something like that. But in truth, no. People have ‘seen’ the underwater city in lots of places; near Ireland, just off the coast of Gibraltar, but none of these are actually correct. If you ever talk to someone studying Atlantis, they will probably describe it as ‘having greek-style buildings and advanced technology’, but, in fact, they haven’t looked at the real facts.  When the Greek philosopher Plato wrote about what he described Atlantis as, he didn’t say all this jibber-jabber. He said that it was made out of three rings around a central island. This was 4 stadis (A greek measurement) squared, followed by a ring of water (1 stadis), then an embankment of 1 stadis, then another ring of water (2 stadis), and so on and so forth. The final embankment was 3 stadis, covered on the outer edge by lots of stadis of water that Plato didn’t describe exactly. So now you know the real, time to find out about the fake. Myth 1 -

Space Terrain

For an enviromental special, you probably wouldn’t think of having an article about space, because, after all, there is no land in space. But actually, this article is about what it’s like in the cosmos, including black holes. Firstly, I’ve got to tell you of a rare event that happens usually once a century in the cosmos: a hypernova. You might/might not have heard of a supernova, which is when a huge star collapses in on itself, creating a huge show of dancing lights, usually forming a black hole. Well, a hypernova is basically the same thing, but with two differences: the star is so big  you  probably wouldn’t know it exists, but also, there are no black hole formations. Another amazing thing is that it could happen in your lifetime. To be around one would mean you would be completely dead; wether you knew about it or not. Even though our technology is very advanced, we still haven’t explored every region of The Milky Way. There could be unknown textures on different worlds, or even

Phoenix Breaks Apart Our Universe

It has came to most of our readers a surprise to read about the mythical phoenix appearing and breaking our universe into small bits, but no. It is true. To flip your opinions upside-down I’ve decided to zoom in closer on the subject... It was on the 1st of November last year that lots of our readers explained to Toby News that every Friday for 6 weeks they were seeing a strange blue bird-like alien circling their nearby forests. Well now, that strange extra-terrestrial life form has come back after 14 weeks of hiding, and most of you said it looks bigger and tougher now. Your theories were in fact right, making Toby News the first press to know about ‘The Great Quackening’ as some of you called it, which is happening now in the Amindoromeda Galaxy, 1,208,000 light-years away from our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Scientists studying this Supergiant Galaxy have said “The phoenix must have been drawn to power - the icy supergiant galaxy, containing only abandoned meteorites must have sound

Cosmos: Start An Epedition Through Space

Right now you’re on the edge of a trip to space that’ll last a lifetime. It’s not easy, you know. You steap yourself in to your rocket. “3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!” shouts the operator as bright, orange flames begin to blast out of the bottom of yor ship and it rises up to the clouds. You’re finally out of Earth’s atmosphere and you spot the sun. “Wow!” you shout, but remember to look away. You steer away because you know the rocket could melt at any moment. As you approach approach Mercury, you wonder why it doesn’t get really hot, but the real answer is that the side facing the sun is extremely hot, but the other, extremely cold. You know, it’s not the scientists fault that the surface is made of metal and that’s why they called it that, you know. It just is. Next, you head to the goddess of love’s planet, Venus! Even though the temperatures can rise up to 350 degrees celsius here, the Romans must have been idiots and thought  that life once existed here. Thickos. And we’re back! (Not

Cyborg Martians Discovered On Neptune

Scientists studying the icy giant exoplanet Neptune, one of the largest bodies in the solar system, discovered a stunning new form of life. But rather than dwelling on the implications of the finding (which, again, was stunning), The New York Times ran a story questioning whether there even was any such life, or, more to the point, whether we should be surprised by the discovery at all. One of the Times’ contributors, Lawrence Krauss, thinks life begins when, for reasons best known to our own species, “answering the universe’s call.” We behave as we do because we have some desire, expectations or fears, and we want to act as if we should be allowed to act as we do. As Krauss put it, “we are not awe-inspiring beings because we are smarter than chimpanzees. We are awe-inspiring beings because we are more intelligent than chimps.” What Krauss doesn’t mention, however, is that if he wanted to doubt the existence of life, he would not want to be the one to find it. The same is true of many