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Food Boundaries

We all know about donuts - rings of bread, usually covered with different icings, or mabye even sprinkles. The donut to a scientist is ‘the edge’ of human food, and no food could be more ansintoformosed - or weirder in the common tongue.

New-to-science Bevel Astronu has explained to many universities and museums in England that there could be other foods out there - infinite combinations and flavours. And then, 3 years after telling the cleverest minds that a simple  donut was not the end of foods, he decided to start his experiments.

He started 20 years ago and has finally finished his massive discovery. It is all written down on various sheets of paper and in complicated language, but our team at Toby News have manage to simmer it down to just three quarters of an article.

“We live a new age - one of seven boundaries of the seven foodstuffs of  the seven planets revolving around eating. I call these limits the Phosferacational Layers, one that humanity has not yet conquered or brought into daylight.

Civilization has forgotten the joy of eating and creating, all of which I will deliver this very hour.

When you search the entire cosmos, you don’t notice the minor changes going on - those such as the art of taste and flavour. There on other worlds, there lives a stable way of life revolving completely on food - not like ours today.

We just need to get out there - there’s no limit to what your mind can conjure up, nor what different foodstuffs can create. If you imagine what we eat as play-dough, there’s no way the clay could suddenly hold stiff or not bend the other way, and that is how we should imagine taste - not an anvil of lead in a corner shop.”

And that is just 1 page of the amazing writing Bevel wrote to prove his idea, but even in that pursuasive language, it did not win over the judges.


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