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Showing posts with the label Religion

History's Greatest Mysteries

History has lots of mysteries that have never been solved. Wether it is the distant past or as recent as WWII, you never run out of questions to ask when you study this bizarre topic. The Bermuda Triangle Since humans just started to be able to read and write, vehicles have gone missing inside the Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle. Numerous reports of planes, boats, rafts - and evening people - going missing inside this area of sea have confused scientists, historians and investigators for centuries. Just what is so special about this mysterious patch of ocean? It is very mysterious as no scrap parts, dead bodies, or any objects suggesting that a plane crashed here. Adding to this, planes wouldn’t actually be able to crash, as there is no land in or anywhere near the Bermuda Triangle.   Since humans just started to be able to read and write, vehicles have gone missing inside the Bermuda (or Devil’s) Triangle Reports of vehicles suddenly going out of control are very popular around the Tri

Hercules And The Hydra

This is the story of the greek soldier Hercules. In the first bit of this 12-part story, Hercules went mad, and to pay everyone back, he became a slave to King Eurestyus. Last time, he fought this huge lion thing and made its skin into an invincibility cloak. “Now, Hercules.” began King Eurestyus one sunny morning. “I now want you to kill the dreaded Hydra in the Argos Marshes. He has been  terrorising my people for too long now.” He pointed at a man in a toga running away from a sign reading ‘Argos Marshes’. “OK, sir.” replied Hercules. “But is it a snake or a dog? People have sent letters to me that say both. I’ve got mixed messages.” the King lowered one eye as if to say ‘really?!’. “What do you think, dumbo!?!?” said Eurestyus, starting to get a bit annoyed. Hercules shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, just go!” exclaimed the king. With that, Hercules ran off. The soldier was getting tired when he reached a sign that read ‘Argos Marshes - One Mile’. “Nearly - There.” panted Hercules. Soon

Zooming In On The Ancient Egyptian Gods

The Ancient Egyptians had many gods - both male and female. Here are just a few of them: Ra the God of the Sun. He was the most important God and was the lord of all the gods. He was usually shown in human form with a falcon head, crowned with the sun disc encircled by a sacred cobra. Ra sailed across the heavens in a boat called the 'Barque of Millions of Years'. At the end of each day Ra was thought to die and sailed on his night voyage through the Underworld, leaving the Moon to light the world above. Amun was the King of the Gods. He was combined with the sun god Ra and became even more powerful. Amun was then called Amun-Ra. Anubis was the God of Mummification (embalming and the dead). His role was as the "guardian to necropolis". Priests often wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies. Bast (Bastet) was the    Goddess of Protection and of household entertainment. He is thought to be the daughter of the sun god Ra Geb was the Earth God. The ancient Eg

Where Does Religon Really Come From?

“Where does religion really come from?” is a question that has been asked all over the ages. Well, in truth, nobody knows, but lots of people have tried to make up theories... There must have been lots of crazy theories, such as ghosts in a cave, Jesus in a pan of tomato soup, or 7 errors appearing on Adobe InDesign, but none of them have survived to this time. In fact, the only theories that survived are from Edward Burnett Tylor, James George Frazer, Rudolf Otto, Mircea Eliade, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Clifford Geertz, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, Bronislaw Malinowski, and Max Weber. They all came up with their own theories, and, as you might be able to guess, not all of them were right. Half made Substantive Theories, and the other created Functional Theories.