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Fears Of Black Hole

Fears of a distant black hole sucking up our galaxy are rising fast after scientist Ronald Park sent out his prediction into the future. Ronald said that about 300,000 years from now the Milky Way would have moved so close to the Roxet Galaxy, currently 230,000 light years away from us, that we would be in a danger zone of getting sucked in to the huge and destructive black hole positioned in the outer edge. If this will happen, the world and everything we can see would be spaghettified, a process where everything gets stretched far apart. After about 12 minutes of this, the human race would be gone for all eternity, unless of course if we had found another home.

The reason Ron thought this is because he had been studying the Roxet Galaxy for over 30 years now, and he suddenly spotted a vast change in its speed. One night, Ronald thought to himself, ‘was I just seeing things?  The Roxet Galaxy hasn’t changed speed for 12,000,000 years!’, and this was why his theory could have been true.

Although all the experts that have seen his ideas know of this, they still think it is not correct.


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