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WWII: Let's Learn About The Most Devastating War Of All Time

To celebrate 75 years since World War Two ended, we’ve got a special article for you... this one! So don’t go just yet, this won’t be boring!

World War 2 was a battle between two groups of countries – the “Allies” and the “Axis“. The major Allied Powers were Britain, France, Russia, China and the United States. The major Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. The terrible Adolf Hitler lead the Axis, but don’t think he was nice. Hitler and his army marched across the whole world, sparking many battles in different places. At one point in the war, the Nazis (Hitlers army) were said to had been building ‘Die Glocke’, or ‘The Bell’. Nazi documantary writers said that The Bell was some sort of ‘time-travel machine’, but nobody really knows the truth.
Die Glocke, says authors, was inspired by alien technology. The were said to have come down to earth in the war, and told the chief scientist about their machines. Strangely, he disappeared at the end of WWII. Many believe he went through a time warp with The Bell, never to be seen again.

One of the most terrible battles in the war was the D-Day landings in Arromanches in France. The Allies’s tanks and boats came onto the beach, whilst thousands of german solders where shooting at them. Dodging showers and showers of bullets, the Allies managed to pass, but even then many of the soldiers died.  The tank conducters, Esther Parry says, had to stick their head out of the tanks with only a hat on.
Hitler and the Nazis hated Jews and so wanted to kill them. The Allies didn’t want this maddness to happen, and that is why the war happened. Any jewish people the Axis found were put in Concentration Camps, horrible places where the Nazis literally just tortured Jews. There was a range of horrible methods of killing them: saying that they are going to be washed, but actually the showers spray poisonous gases down on the poor people. One fisherman actually survived this, by breathing on the ground where the gas hadn’t reached yet. Also, essentially making the Jews slaves that could be beaten and shot at.

When the Allies had won the war, and the Nazis knew they would be killed, the germans soldiers made the Jews run for miles and miles, and when they collapsed to the ground, they were shot at or beaten so badly they actually wanted to carry on.


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