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Teotihuacan: Just A Normal Aztec City... Or Not!

The ancient aztec city of Teotihuacan (say tee-otto-hoo-i-can) has puzzled more experts than the Great Pyramids Of Giza have! The pyramid complex  consists of quite a few building and temples. At the front of the city, The Temple Of The Sun sits proudly overlooking the rest. A few more pyramid-like buildings follow, all leading to what is now known as the Avenue Of The Dead. This is quite a few miles long, but all of the buildings are the same, except one. Temple of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl is the third-largest pyramid in the whole site. Also on the avenue is the Great Pyramid Of  Cholua and The Pyramid Of The Moon.

Interestingly, a lake of liquid Mercury was discovered in an excavated tunnel beneath the Feathered Serpent Pyramid. There has been various lakes of other metals in other areas of the Mayan empire, but never Mesoamerica. Even more interestingly, Mercury is a superconductor. Although it is extremely dangerous to human beings, scientists have performed experiments with other alternative superconductors. When one is kept cold, it will levitate on top of a magnetic field. If kept cold, it will spin around infinitely and will levitate on any surface of a magnet. Ancient astronaut theorists say it was used to power some space crafts from extra-terrestrial visitors.

It was built by hand more than a thousand years before the swooping arrival of the Nahuatl-speaking Aztecs in central Mexico. But how did such a primitave people accomplish such a thing? That is why ancient astronaut theorists believe that it was built by aliens. The aztec creation story states that a giant flintstone came down to Earth and the so-called ‘gods’ emerged from it. They then built the first aztec cities, including Teotihuacan, but the aztecs do not say they came from these. In fact, they said that they came from a cavern leading off in seven  directions. Different tribes from each exit joined together in the middle. So maybe we’re looking at a flint-stone-shaped craft?

Of course, mainstream archaeologists would say NO. But if you look closely at the temples, there are things that aztecs could never accomplish. There are over a hundred intricate sculptures, over 50 burial grounds, and a network of underground tunnels. What’s more is that the locals say they DIDN’T build Teotihuacan, but the ‘gods’ did. Maybe we’re looking at an extra-terrestrial town?

Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio A. Tsoukalos says yes. “I was interested when I heard about the lake of Mecury found in Teotihuacan. So, maybe, it was some sort of space port?!” he says. “I remember hearing the news when a boy took a picture of The Temple Of The Sun, he found two disc-shaped crafts hovering above it. Then, ten seconds later, they were gone!”


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