Scients studying Saturn’s icy moon, Titan, have spotted traces of life millions of years ago. These would have lived under the huge sheets of ice over the sea. In fact, life could still exist on the cold moon, but it’s too far for our probes to go to. In fact, to do this, the probe would have to have a portable drill, scanners and sensors, some sort of a camera that could see through thick ice, and a function where the bot could swim.
All of this would cost more than billions, and there would have to be millions of people working day and night. Quite frankly, no-one would be able to code such delicate modes in a matter of time.
In the Pixar film WALL-E, everyone has evacuated because there is too much rubbish to clean up. The lonely robot WALL-E is left alone to put it into cubes and stack them in a pile. We would have to make a machine similar to WALL-E, but except with the ice. So how do we know what they look like? Scientists and film-makers have simulated lots over the years, but now they’ve all come to a conclusion. Aliens would probably have dark brown scales or shells, a long spiky tail, multiple green fins and a long, slender neck. They would have a snake-like tongue and hundreds of spiky, yellow teeth.
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