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Ancient Aliens: The Desert Code

Ancient civilisations around the globe have made many petroglyphs (huge drawing on the ground). But what do they all mean? Did aliens come down to ancient peoples and tell them to create them? As many mainstream archaeologists continue to say they just made them, no reason, Toby Parry-Russell investigates.

Most petroglyphs and other huge drawings of its type are carved into usually the desert floor. The most-used technique is to carefully rub away the the darker sand to reveal the lighter sand underneath. When this is repeated in various shapes, it can form amazing patterns and picture most people will never be able to do even in their wildest dreams. 

Most petroglyphs show images of the so-called ‘gods’. Usually as figures, the ‘gods’ look like humans except with strange features, like strange hair, small heads, strange scaly skin or something else. For example, among the Nasca lines of Peru - an array of strange petroglyphs, there stands two figures. The first one’s name translates to ‘The Astronaut’, and indeed it is. It appears to have a ring - or a helmet on top of its head and is pointing to the sky. Maybe this is an early depiction of an extra-terrestrial?

The second petroglyph figure is an example  of early but advanced astronomy. Looking at the torso, legs and arms, it looks normal, but the head is what confuses people. It has 12 lines coming out of its head that perfectly align with the stars. Why? Nobody knows.

Ancient astronaut theorists suggest ancient aliens told our ancestors to build these petroglyphs in order to communicate with them. But then they left, and moved onto the next planet to teach. These languages were lost over time, obviously, but maybe extra-terrestrial being are still trying to talk to us? Maybe they are now trying with crop circles, complex patterns and pictures created in the grass, wheat, oat plants or barley.

Crop circles have been appearing for decades. Many people gave been relaxing in their field or ranch, when suddenly they spot a ‘bright glowing orb’. Usually a sphere, these unexplained phenomenons appear to be moving around in strange patterns then fly back up into the stars in less than a second. When the farmer comes to see what just happens, they usually find complex crop circles that human beings could never have accomplished even in their wildest dreams. 

So wether they are alien or not, the petroglyphs are certainly strange. Will they continue to confuse archaeologists or will our hidden past be revealed?
