The forest is home to thousands of different species - some of which are not around today. But if we try and try and try we could stop this terrible thing from happening - one cell at a time.
A forest is a large area dominated by trees. They are found all around the globe in many different climates and terrains. In the tropics are found rainforests, full of monkeys that can shelter themselves from the rain. Meanwhile, in the cold reaches of Siberia, North Canada and the Scandinavian countries, vast conifer trees cover the landscape.
The word forest comes from the old french word forest which in turn comes from medieval latin foresta, meaning area of trees.
The first forests on earth appeared in the Late Devonian (approximately 380 million years ago) from the early plant Archaeopteris. When Archaeopterises shedded their leaves, the cells inside morphed with another plant’s, ths creating the first ever tree.
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